Camping "Amazing Village" is at the foot of the Stara Planina below Mount Kom. Around you will find many routes for mountain biking. Here are a few examples:
Distance - 11 km. Time - 2 hours (Descent 40-50 minutes). Difficulty - 2 out of 5. Load 8 (High) Starting point - Forestry Vocational High School. There is a 2 km steep climb ahead, but on a nice surface. We take the road to Kaleto. After 500 meters we pass the fork for the fortress and continue to the left. On the bend in the valley is the only fountain on the road (the water at Zdravchenitsa has dried up). The nice asphalt continues for about 1.5 km. After the 3rd km, it ends completely and begins a crushed-stone pavement, which alternates with soft forest way to the end. About 4.3 km from the beginning we reach a wide meadow. On the left, a road descends to the quarry of the Marble factory, but it is extremely steep. From here we enter a forest, in which we move almost to the end of the route. The road is nice, a bit bumpy in places, but quite wide. At about 8.5 km there is a turnoff to the village of Cheresovitsa, from here to the end the road is well maintained by forest workers. Two sharp U-turns follow at 800 m from one another. After 10.6 km we reach a fork - on the right the road continues to the ridge and the village of Dulgi del, on the left are the remains of the Zdravchenitsa hut. To find the view we came for, we climb another 200-300 m to the left along the meadow, above the quarry, from where a great panorama opens up. A great 10km descent follows. There are many roads through the forest that lead to Zhenska Reka, but they are extremely extreme - steep and unequal.
Distance - 7 km. Time - 1 hour and 10 minutes. Difficulty 4 out of 5. Load 4 - medium. Elevation 240 m. The rugged route with quite a few technical sections. Higher difficulty due to the presence of a lot of sand, stones, ruts, steep sections. We start from the intersection of Trakia St. and Ashiklar St., at the corner of 1. Basic School. The road leads to the nursery. At about 1.3 km there is an important crossroads, on the right there is a landmark - a red villa, we turn left (the road goes straight to the non-working base of Ashiklar eco). 2 km from the beginning, we come to the large meadow in the Samotniya Bor area. The asphalt continues for another 1 km. From here we take the dirt road to the right and up. There is a way many drivable diversions. We follow the purest and most trodden. We reach the highest point and middle of the route in a pine forest. At the fork, we choose the left road and the descent to the village of Barzia begins. On leaving the forest there is a deviation to the right, which leads to the upper part of the village - above the pool. Today we continue forward and come out on a wide and steep meadow, the village is visible in the low. A steep descent follows tall grass and ruts under it, great care must be taken in wet weather. Here and there the road is lost, but we are only going down. Soon we cross a small river and come out into an area with many gardens and vineyards. All roads lead to the village. We choose the middle one and after 5 minutes we are in the center of Barzia village. For a change, we can return to Berkovitsa on the asphalt road.
Distance - 2.20 km. Difficulty 1 out of 5. Load 6.5 (medium). Time - 25 minutes, descent 10 minutes. Elevation - 140 m. Start Saraya Square. We go to the right along Turisticka St., at the end of the street begins a gravel dirt road. We continue along it for 1 km to the road town of Berkovitsa - h. Com. We turn left and follow the asphalt for 100 meters. On at the first turn we turn to the right on a dirt road or a forest path. There is a sign for the Blue Well. We choose the path, as the road after 100 m is in very bad condition with ruts and large stones. After about 200 m exits to a wide meadow with a small cottage on the right, we continue along the meadow for about 400 m and join the bad road. We continue along it for about 200 m, paying attention to a deviation to the right, there is a sign that is almost invisible sees We descend to the right through the forest towards the river and reach the Siniya vir area.